- প্রথম পাতা
- সেবা সমূহ
- প্রকল্প সমূহ
- কর্মকর্তা বৃন্দ
- তথ্য
- ফটোগ্যালারি
- পরিচালক বৃন্দ
- যোগাযোগ
- তথ্য প্রদানকারী কর্মকর্তা
- নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি
- ডাউনলোড
- নোটিশ
- ত্রান
- রেজিষ্ট্রেশন সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
- গভর্নিং বডি
- নির্বাহী পরিষদ
- কর্মকর্তার তথ্য
- কর্মী সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
- তথ্য প্রদানকারী কর্মকর্তার তথ্য
- পরিচালক এর তথ্য
- প্রতিবেদন
আশ্রয় এর অর্গানোগ্রাম
Barind region in Northwest Bangladesh is the home to 18 small Adibasi groups and Bengalis. The lack of economic opportunity has resulted in poverty and high unemployment levels. Adibasi groups are some of the most politicallymarginalised and socio-economically disadvantaged peoples in Bangladesh. On of the key aspects of this marginalisation is gradual dispossession of their lands which impacted negatively not only on their livelihood concerns, but also heavily accentuated their identify crisis, including the process of acculturation.
The Adibasis living in Barind Tracts are in a process of dispossession of their Adibasi lands has been continuing since the British rules; got further accelerated during the Pakistani period, and has been particularly sinister following the aftermath of the independence of Bangladesh. The trend still seems to continue unabated. Now most of the Adibasi are landless and poorest of the poor; their livelihoods are in critical condition, particularly, they are vulnerable to cultural and linguistic dierences, as well as limited livelihood options, the Barind Tracts’ Adibasi nds itself somehow detached from the mainstream and lacking in access to resources, services and infrastructure to their needs.
On the other hand, Barind’s poor farmers livelihoods are in critical condition, particularly, they are vulnerable to climate change aspects. In spite of increase in the cropping intensity with the production of HYV Boro rice, farmers of the Barind area failed to bring out the necessary changes in livelihood as compared to the eort given for the development of ground water based irrigation for the past few years. In fact all farmers had no access to such irrigation, even those who had the access failed to earn the desired level of economic returns
due to high cost involvement in their irrigation resulted in the poor status of income, education and dietary requirement. Number of share cropper was also found higher in the Barind area. With such a poor situation, pressure on ground water use is an increasing trend. Therefore, sustainable livelihood is found under threat with respect to the present and future climate change aspects in this drought prone area. All these facts are found in a research conducted by Barind campaign group in 2008 reported farmers’ poor income, education
and higher number of share cropper in Barind area, with Shankar et al (2005), Rana (2007) and SDMC (2008) who reported the negative eects of using the deep tube-well for irrigation, with WFP (2005) nding below standard dietary requirement of the farmers under the climate change aected northern Bangladesh and with Rosenzweig et al (2002) who reported the risks to regional food production due to climate change variable like draughts.
The Barind Tract is located in the centre and west of Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions covering an area of about 7,770 sq. km. It lies in the monsoon region of the summer dominant hemisphere. The climate of the area is generally warm and humid. This region has already been designated as drought prone. Ashrai is working for the development of the Adibasis and the poor farmers living in Barind region for their sustainable rural livelihoods. The Development Program for Barind People Ashrai working with the Adibasis and poor Bangali people for sustainable socio-economic development based on the principles of self reliance, community participation and local resource mobilization. The objectives of Ashrai’s development program are– Adibasi communities are empowered and their capacity to manage their own development are enhanced; literacy is to be increased through improved access to a strengthened education system adapted to the local context; economic opportunities for small local enterprise, women, youth and farmers are tobe improved; facilitating sustainable development for integration of the adibasi communities with mainstream society for rural livelihoods in the Barind region with cross-cutting principles of gender equality, climate change and adaptive livelihood. The Annual Report 2014 is provide a comprehensive information of Ashrai for all stakeholders on the activities with results achieved and will encourage all to extend more cooperation and support to improve the life of adibasis and the poor Bangali of Barind region.